You can think of a Salt flush as a “25 cent colonic” and more. Where colonics only clean the colon, Salt Flushes clean stomach, small intestine and colon. In general, most people have suffered considerable damage to the lining of the entire intestinal tract – from mouth to anus. Poor dietary choices, gallstones, lack of bile, overeating, etc. all contribute to the deterioration of this precious “internal skin.” As a result of this “tissue damage syndrome,” cells are challenged by poison, oxygen deprivation, malnutrition or a physical trauma, and they lose potassium, take on sodium and chloride, and swell up with excess water. The presence of high quality salt will begin to reverse this damage as cells take on water. The presence of high quality salt will begin to reverse this damage as cells take on more sodium. It also promotes a healthy internal PH which will neutralize the harmful effects of parasites and pathogens. The salt will literally “flush” the toxins away.

Salt Flush


Coffee Enema

The most beneficial Internal Cleanse is to do a Salt Flush followed with a Coffee Enema.

Prince Charles Coffee