Citrus Bergamot Extract

SUPPORTS BLOOD GLUCOSE METABOLISM – Citrus Bergamot Extract supports healthy cholesterol levels and supports healthy glucose metabolism.
POTENT ANTIOXIDANT – Citrus Bergamot Extract is a potent antioxidant that supports cell health.
MADE IN THE USA – Our Citrus Bergamot Extract is manufactured right here in the US.

Citrus Bergamot Extract is an extraction of several phytochemical compounds from the bergamot citrus fruit. These compounds include a wide array of flavonoids and have been found to offer a number of health benefits when taken as a supplement. Citrus supports healthy cholesterol levels and supports blood cell health and function.

Recommended Dosage
When used as a supplement for supporting cholesterol, 1000 mg of Bergamont Extract should be taken per day until cholesterol reaches healthy levels. After this, a 500 mg maitenence dose is recommended and can be taken indefinitely.

It is not recommended to take more than 1500 mg of Citrus Bergamont Extract per day.

Citrus Bergamot Extract Side Effects
Citrus Bergamot Extract is very well tolerated and rarely presents any adverse side effects, with mild heart burn being the most commonly reported side effect. That said, it’s best to consult your physician before using Citrus Bergamot Extract if you’re already on prescription medications for lowering cholesterol.

Price: $27.95
