An Open Letter To Friends and Practitioners from Dr. Bob Marshall, CEO, Premier Research Labs
Recently, coral products have been receiving a lot of attention in the news. Unfortunately, the press coverage has been filled with partial truths and some outright misinformation. Therefore, I’d like to set the record straight and help you read between the lines to gain the truth behind the print.
Q: Do high amounts of lead occur in coral?
A: Dozens of different types of coral sources exist and some have been known for years to contain significant amounts of lead, as the Consumer’s Union test results recently found. In contrast, every batch of Premier Research Labs’ Okinawan, Sango Reef marine coral is assayed for heavy metals, including lead. Every Certificate of Analysis of PRL’s coral has shown that heavy metals, in particular, lead, to be below detection threshold. Obviously, this is not typically true of other coral sources—which is why PRL avoided using coral in its products for several years. Fortunately, PRL was finally able to source its current source of clean and clinically effective coral, a truly valuable nutritional adjunct to every practitioner who has a chronic illness practice. A copy of the current Certificate of Analysis of PRL’s coral is available upon request.
Q: What is the form of the calcium in coral?
A: The form of calcium in all coral is calcium carbonate. This same form, calcium carbonate, is found in rocks; however, the rock form of calcium carbonate is not ionized and is extremely difficult to absorb. The same is true for over 2,500 species of coral which are similar to the rock form of calcium carbonate. However, there is one unique coral, the Sango Reef marine coral, which is naturally highly ionized and is better absorbed than any other form of calcium or magnesium that I have ever tested.
Sango Reef marine coral is currently the best selling form of mineral supplement in Japan, used by millions of people for many years with many verifiable stories of clinical success. Sango Reef marine coral is the best mineral delivery system I have seen in 35 years of mineral research. In stark contrast, other forms of coral have tested very poorly and I do not recommend them for human or animal consumption.
Q: How much magnesium is found in coral?
A: Of over 2,500 species of coral, all but one contains about 35-37% calcium and 2-3% magnesium, which is a 10:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium, far from ideal. However, PRL’s Sango Reef marine coral is comprised of approximately 20% calcium and 10% magnesium, making it an ideal 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium, the same ratio that naturally occurs in the human body.
PRL’s coral also naturally contains a near-perfect, synergistic mineral matrix which helps to promote ideal bone metabolism (including rebuilding MCH, microcrystalline hydroxyappetite) as well as building and maintaining monoortho- calcium phosphate reserves, the form of calcium found in the soft tissues of the body.
Q: In your clinical practice, isn’t it the results that really count?
A: Of course. In my 35 years of clinical practice, no other mineral supplement that I have used has been able to outperform or even compete with concentrated vegetable sources of minerals (such as large amounts of daily carrot and celery juice) except PRL’s Sango Reef marine coral. I have never found any other source that was more effective or faster at correcting mineral deficiencies and rapidly restoring bone and soft tissue calcium reserves. I consider PRL’s coral products as an important cornerstone of literally every nutritional program for our patients.
Remember, it is not just the marine coral that makes PRL products so excellent. At PRL, we have intensely researched and tested our coral products to be sure that critical synergists, co-factors and transporters are combined together in order to deliver the “Quantum Nutrition Effect”. To achieve this effect, no toxic tagalongs can be used (including toxic flowing agents such as magnesium stearate, toxic forms of vitamin D3 or toxic forms of capsules such as gelatin capsules, etc.). Although true excellence inspires imitation, there is no substitute for careful clinical testing and a proven track record of outstanding results.
For practitioners who are proficient at QRA™ (Quantum Reflex Analysis), a precise, targeted form of kinesiology, a simple QRA™ test can rapidly demonstrate the difference between PRL’s Sango Reef marine coral vs. other inferior coral products. PRL has been clinically using its Sango Reef coral exclusively since 1995 with thousands of patients as an integral part of their clinical nutritional programs. The spectacular clinical results speak for themselves. Our case files include a vast diversity of many different benefits of PRL’s marine coral, because as the body’s tissues become more alkalinized, many different body systems can return to normal with enhanced tissue oxygen and therefore, improved organ/gland function.
For example, regular use of PRL’s marine coral allows a rapid return of normal alkalinity of the first morning urine pH (which ideally is between 6.4 – 7.0 pH, an excellent marker of healthy bone metabolism and tissue oxygen levels), improved bone density, dramatically increased flexibility, enhanced hormone balance, better mental clarity and mood – in short, a quantum leap in the efficient functioning of literally all the systems of the whole body.
Q: Where can I get PRL’s Sango Reef coral?
A: For those of you who have not had the opportunity to experience the spectacular, rapid clinical results using PRL’s Sango Reef coral, ask your practitioner for a bottle of Coral Legend Plus or the pH Trio (3 synergistic pH promoting products designed to deliver the “Quantum Nutrition Effect”). Ask for a copy of the 6-page highly informative article, “The pH Story”.