The Coffee Enema
The caffeine directly stimulates peristaltic muscle action to contract more powerfully and loosen deposits, which are occasionally visible as hard, black material and “ropes” of mucus. Warm reverse osmosis water, omitting the coffee, may be used but for chronic or severe health problems, organic coffee is required. A high enema will insure that the caffeine releases poisons from the liver requiring the use of a special French tube attached to the end of the enema tube and inserted into the rectum. This is available by purchase as an entire kit from Heise Health Clinic as noted below.

How to Make a Coffee Enema
It is best to arise early enough each morning to allow time to take the enema in a relaxed, unhurried state.

The coffee must be organic, non-decaffeinated coffee. It must be prepared in enamelware, Corning ware, glass or stainless steel, or by the tricolator filter method. Aluminum or Teflon should not be used at anytime!! We have found that the coffee that is prepared via the “drip method” is preferable. Use 3 to 4 teaspoons of ground coffee to four (4) cups of reverse osmosis water increasing after several uses to seven to eight (7-8) teaspoons of ground coffee to an equal number of cups of reverse osmosis water. This allows more therapeutic value to the treatment. Do not use ice cubes to cool the coffee because of the poor quality of water in the ice maker, despite the mfg’s filters.

Avoidance of city water supplies (always chlorinated, which has been strongly linked to hardening of the arteries, and often fluoridated, which has been strongly linked to cancer and thyroid disease) is most essential to removing stress from the kidneys. Any water that enters the body should be distilled, reverse osmosis or alkaline water. This water, should be used for cooking and drinking-and even for preparing enemas, since a significant portion of the enema water may be absorbed and filtered through the kidneys.

Often toxic amounts of copper, cadmium, and lead are picked up from the plumbing even if well water is used. In the case of distilled water, one must remember that certain hydrocarbon contaminants have a lower boiling point than that of water. The distiller should have a valve to permit their escape as they gasify. If not, they will concentrate in the distilled water and will need to be removed by filtering through activated charcoal. Therefore, the other recommendations of water, noted above, are preferred.

How to Take a Coffee Enema

1) First, attempt a normal bowel movement. The enema is much more effective if the colon has been evacuated. One should not become disturbed, however, if there are no regular bowel movements, or very few, during the program. In many cases, not enough bulk collects to instigate a normal bowel movement. When no normal bowel movements are forthcoming during the frequent enemas the enema cleans the colon adequately. The ultimate goal is to have no less than one bowel movement daily.

The enema tip on the end of the hose is not adequate to give a “high enema”. Place a colon tube (DAVOL) size 24 French, or 26 French, or 28 French on the opposite end of the plastic tube from the enema bag. This colon tube is a soft flexible rubber-like tube around 24 inches in length. It follows the curves and flexures of the colon. The colon tube is usually inserted about 12 to 20 inches into the rectum. A plastic rectal catheter or tube about 18 inches long may be ordered from the Heise Health Clinic and available as an entire kit.

Next, allow the coffee to flow to the end of the colon tube, thus eliminating any air in the tube. The colon tube should be lubricated with extra virgin olive oil, or vitamin E cream that doesn’t contain additives or chemicals.

2) Slowly insert the tube 12 to 20 inches into the rectum while the coffee is flowing into the rectum. The enema bag should be about 36 inches higher than the rectum. If it is placed too high, the coffee runs into the colon too fast and under too much pressure causing discomfort.

3) You may have to stop or slow the flow temporarily by compressing the tube, waiting for the colon to adjust to fluid volume and release for more flow.

There are several positions that can be used while inserting the colon tube. Squatting is one. Also the knee-chest method, with chest and knees on the floor and buttocks in the highest position possible. Most people, however, find it easiest to lie on a side until the solution is out of the bag or bucket. The enema should never be taken while sitting on the toilet or standing.

Some people’s colons have kinks or turns in them that may prevent the tub from being inserted 18 inches. Often, if a little bit of the solution is allowed to flow into the colon as the tube is being inserted, one may comfortably get past these kinks. Sometimes, if one hits a kink that stops the flow of liquid completely, the tube can be pulled out slowly just to the point where the solution is felt flowing again, then begin to reinsert higher into the colon. Frequently, the tube can be pushed back in, past the turn that previously stopped the liquid.

4) After the flow of the solution is completed, you may remove the colon tube, although it is not necessary to do so. Regardless of the position used up to this point, one should now lie on the left side first for at least 5 minutes then roll onto the back for 5 minutes and finally onto the right side. Those who have excessive gas may leave the tube in the colon with the hose clamp open. This allows gas to escape through the enema container. Frequently, the coffee will go in and out of the enema bag or bucket until the gas is relieved. After the enema is retained for 15 minutes, it may be expelled. One is now ready for the rest of his daily routine, clean and refreshed!

If you find you have a lot of gas and it is difficult to retain the enema, try putting 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses into your coffee solution. If you get a sudden gas bubble causing an urge to expel the solution, breathe very fast through your nose using your abdominal muscles like a bellows or change positions for a moment. This usually helps the colon wall break up the gas bubble. If you find that a little coffee leaks out, place an old towel under your buttocks.

Medi-Body Baths
Medi-body baths may also be used to help draw toxins out of the skin and body. These baths are especially beneficial if one is going through a “healing crisis” and is especially toxic and feeling bad. A tub filled with warm to hot water and Medi-Body Bath powder in it. This bath is quite relaxing and good for tense, sore muscles and may be taken as often as needed.

Where To Order An Enema Kit
It is recommended that you use a good quality enema kit, with a special colon tube. This contains all the hardware necessary to conduct the treatment. For your convenience, the entire kit is available from the Heise Health Clinic. It can be ordered by calling 407-677-1660, or on line at